That's right! Today is Big Red's and my two year anniversary. I told him the other day that it feels like it has been much longer. At first he wasn't sure how to take that, lol. Then I explained that I meant that in a good way. It usually takes much longer for merging families to reach the point that ours has. Now in no way have we overcome all our issues as a merging family, but in many ways we work together as a family unit as if we have been doing so for some time. I think being blessed with the birth of Lil Red has also added to this feeling of mine. I love that our family can sit down in the living room for 30 minutes or more at a time and just laugh at Lil Red's antics. Last night he was going up and down a step ladder and acting like a dictator. We were all cracking up laughing. But back to my marriage of two years. Douglas and I were definitely prepared for each other. We see so many second marriages fall apart and in the first 6 months of our marriage, I have to admit that I had my share of worries as to whether ours would make it. However, with the pregnancy and birth of our first son together, dealing with opossum's (will be writing another post on this one), and working on getting to the temple to be sealed for all time and eternity, I would say the honeymoon has been long over. And yet I have no doubts that our sealing will come to pass. I have no doubt that my husband and I are meant to share in the eternities together. My husband is all that I have ever looked for in a mate. I appreciate his ability to cuddle me. I love his mischevious, playful attitude. He is the hardest worker I have ever known besides my Dad. I love that he knows how to play and that he has been supportive as I've fumbled around to figure out my life in a completely new role as a stay at home mom. Now I know some of you believe that I did that before for a short time period with Amadeus. But the truth was during that time period, I was a trapped at home mom. I now have the freedom, thanks to my husband, to be involved in my children's education, to run errands, to meal plan, to give service, to have complete stewardship in overseeing the care of our home. My marriage is a dream marriage, even in the midst of trials, even when things don't go exactly the way that I want them to...lol..I know that it is the biggest blessing of my life so far and I thank my Father in Heaven for my handsome prince every day. So Happy Anniversary Honey!
P.S. I have something special cookin for dinner ;)
1 comment:
that makes me happy :)
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