Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Chance to do Service

Well the boys are out of school for the rest of the week. The school had power and water so they were in session yesterday. But apparently the board and the principle looked around at what was going on in nearby areas and the gas shortages and other resource problems and decided to close the school for the rest of the week. So anyone who has preteen or teenage boys, know that idleness or playing computer games will lead to major issues in the home. So I decided to give a couple in my ward a call. They have been going neighborhood to neighborhood and helping out in cleaning up yards and removing fallen trees. The family that has been helping them the past couple of days is not available to help anymore, so they were in need of tools to keep going anyways since they don't have any as they live in an apartment. So they boys are off helping them today. And I'm hoping they will have many good stories to share when they get home. Later this evening, we will go over and pick up a boy that they have made friends with through the school. Kozer, as he is called, was in their school last year as an 8th grader but since their school doesn't have a high school. His parents have opted to continue with Home schooling. They have maintained their contact through fencing. So Music Man has a bud now. I'm also hoping to find out how they maintain his curriculum and ya da ya da. So I can make a pitch to the boys father at the end of the year. Anyways, I plan to let them all camp out in the yard. Apparently my youngest brother is planning on coming and taking advantage of our hospitality this evening as well. LOL. He found out that the power won't be on at their house for another 12 days atleast, and since he is working down is rather convenient. We think we are rid of the varmit. Which I believe now was a oppossum that had a run in with a skunk. I'm thinking this because skunks are terrible climbers and that is the only way to get in. So yay for seeing the end of those oppossums! Or hearing them, lol


Pirate Princess said...

At first I thought you meant Brad was the critter - lol!

Rachel was telling us how insane things were in Tomball - I guess it's not so bad your way? Jim and Sandy are still without power too, but Josh has it.

Ugh. These posts from home are making me crazy. I can't stand it.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

Why are posts from home making you crazy? lol