This is our new friend, you'll read more about her below. She drives so though I don't know her age she's older than the boys
So going to get the boys from school in the snow was not fun, but once we got home the fun began. The boys ran out and began building a snowman. They were so excited, they've always wanted to build one and never had the opportunity. I took one look at them running around and busily working and having fun and I knew what gift I could give them. I ran inside and grabbed baby carrots, a box of buttons, scarves, and hats. The boys decided at that point that they should make the whole family. A neighbor girl saw them and asked if she could join in that she'd never made one before and how do you do it. They laughingly told her it was their first time, but how they'd had success in making a snowball and starting to roll it. She was impressed! She said they looked like experts. When she saw all the stuff I brought out she ran home for some coal to contribute. In the meantime, neighbors started showing up and using our snowmen as a back drop for their Christmas pictures. The boys snowmen were a big hit. Lil Red who had been napping came out for a while to help and then got to cold and had to go warm up by the fire. He came back out when they were done for more pictures. He was cute when it first started coming down. I took him to the window and he looked out and said."oooohhh, BEAUTIFUL". With his voice in hushed awe. It was precious. He sat contentedly with the cat just watching it fall till it was time to go pick up the boys. Amadeus has proclaimed this the best day ever! I don't know if I'd say that. My giving birth to them and my wedding day certainly top this for me, but I have to say it's up there in the top ten. There was no bickering all day. No harsh words, no yuckiness. There was no time. We were all to busy enjoying a precious gift from God that comes sometimes once a lifetime for Texans. And to busy being excited and making new friends with our wonderful neighbors. Lifes surprises our certainly some of the greatest blessings.
Great fun! Thank you for sharing the fun with us..
What a fun day! Your Christmas tree and fire place look so beautiful and cozy :)
The house is looking like a home now with the chair in front of the fireplace and a beautiful Christmas tree. Sounds like you are having lots of fun.
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