Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yay I cut Amadeus's hair!

And I did a good job! Tell me what you think? Amadeus said it was "ok". He didn't feel the need to get it fixed or wear a bag over his head, lol. But he would have preferred it to be not sooo short. Actually I thought I left it a little long, lol. The first pic is my favorite. Such a silly guy!

I should have taken some before pics. He had a major afro! He hadn't had a haircut in almost 2 months! There was soooooooooooo muuuuuuuuuch haaaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrrr! It looked like I'd sheared the sheep! But now, oh there's my kid, for a while I thought I had a werewolf for a son, he he.


Joel said...

Good job.. would have loved to see the fro.. lol
Handsome boys...

FranE said...

It was not that long....
Amadeus...say "Thank you GrandmomE"...lol

Pirate Princess said...

Haircut looks good.... not sure about that funky first face. LOL