Monday, December 7, 2009


Well, I'm having contractions on and off again. I'm just waiting for the doctor's office to open up so I can call. They will probably have me come in again to check things out. I wouldn't be so worried except I'm still pretty far out and my body hurt so bad the morning I was having a hard time walking around. I'm hydrating big time and last night I drank chamomile. The last thing I need is to go on bed rest, so please big prayers. I'm hoping they tell me that nothings changed and my body isn't doing anything. I'll edit this post later and let everyone know what they say :)
Okay, I'm back and so far so good. But they are threatening me with bed rest, so I'm off to relax and behave myself :)


Juen said...

Gee, I hope not, I had to do that before Mike was born, I won't go into how hard it was on us as we had absolutely no help so I really hope you will be okay. Good luck

skinny minny said...

so are you being good?
call if you need anything. love you

Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

Hi. I've had to change my blog address due to some sickos out there. Here is my new address:


Elizabeth said...

And congrats again on your forthcoming babe :)

Pirate Princess said...

Well, I hear you are in the hospital. Hmmm....

Prayers are being said. I never really knew when you're exactly due, so wondering how much longer you need to have that baby hold on? I'll call mom. HUGS