Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Fun

Okay these pics aren't exactly in order but oh well, lol. Lil Red has already decided that he wants to learn how to drive Grandpa's big wheels :)We didn't do much in the way of Easter Egg hunting. I put out 5 eggs. He was interested in picking up one. Douglas was laughing at me, telling me he told me so.

Below is a pic of us swinging on the swing together. But here Lil Red wanted to swing himself :)

Douglas loves this picture. He feels it's such a typical expression for Lil Red. "You want me to do what, mom?"

We had a blast tickling Lil Red's tummy. He is very interested in his belly button and has infact learned to say, "belly button". Her he is getting that bb tickled by mommy.

Here is Grandma feeding Lil Red some chocolate. Looks like he just bit her finger, lol.

Here is one of us on the swing together. I love his sweet smile.

1 comment:

FranE said...

He is such a cutie and my oh my...that boy just has too much fun...
; )