Thursday, March 27, 2008

Above Picture

The picture heading this blog is of my Dad who is struggling with cancer and my new born son. Both have been blessings to me. I have been blessed to work with my Dad for the last five years. It has been great to see him almost everyday and to work side by side with him. It has been great to be able to go to him as a single mom for advice or just to bounce my ideas off of him as I have grown in my knowledge of the political world.

I was married last year in February to fabulous man who will be forever after called Red on my blogsite. I was so excited to have my Dad give me away to a man that I knew he could admire and respect and know that his daughter would be loved by. Here is a picture of me and my Red on our wedding day. By the end of May I was pregnant. Little red was definitely an answer to my prayers. And I know the Lord double blessed me in that not only was my Dad there to stand in the circle to bless Little Red on his blessing day, but so was Red and his Dad.

My other two boys who will be referred to as Music Man and DannyKay are pictured next. They were from a previous marriage that was very difficult and needed to end. But here again I have been blessed with the knowledge of how to truly forgive and my ex and I have been able to establish friendship again. Here is a pic of my two older boys from this Easter weekend. Red took them out and showed them how to shoot pellet guns. They had such a blast. Unfortunately for Danny Kay, he over worked his muscles in his back, pumping the gun. On monday, he had a spasm that caused his neck to be stuck and had to go to the chiropracter. He does have a tendency to over do things that he is excited about. We'll have to work on that "moderation in all things". LOL

I have been blesses with great, grandparents on both sides. Notice, "great" was an adjective and not a title. Here is a picture of Red's parents and the following one is of my mother, since my Dad is at the top. They are all so excited about Little Red as an addition to our family.
Well I'm all blogged out. For those of you who know how long it took me to actually become part of the blogger family....well don't look for updates daily. Although now that I'm on here, who knows? Maybe I'll stay up all night in between feedings for Little Red......NAH!
Hugz to all, LMSS


Leisha Mareth said...

Hooray, hooray! I'm glad you are an official blogger now! I look forward to seeing lots of pictures of you and all your boys!

(I can help you resize your picture in the header if you need it! I'm not an expert, but I know a little bit...)

Joel said...

Welcome to the blogging community... though I must admit I'm not a very active member.... But any info's good info. :)

Edward and Marian said...

Well now I know what LMSS stands for! I've always wondered (and never thought to ask). . . Give the boys a hug from us. Love you!

skinny minny said...

Welcome welcome! uh you are missing a couple of blogs there on your side bar...mine and your moms! oh wait that might be 3 your brothers?

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I know I'm missing those. I just got up the one's that I had in my link file. Your's and Bro's and My Mom's are in different spots. Sigh, I'm so disorganized. LMSS
P.S. Thanks for the welcome, everyone.

Darryl and Cindy Cunningham said...

I enjoyed the pictures. What a beautiful bride. I am glad that Red found you. I can see how happy you two are. I don't think I have seen him or any of his family in 20years or more. Well, I did see your nephew once while he was on his mission in SLC. I was walking down the street with my family and saw this Elder who looked so much like a guy I dated in High school that it stopped me in my tracks. I think I may have scared him. We slightly impulsive, extroverted, redheads do that to people sometimes. Welcome to the Blogging world.